Vietnamese Girls Names
Vietnamese names for girls are positive and uplifting. They may refer to the four attributes of a woman, the four mythical creatures, to beautiful images
(like a blossom or a river) or to hoped for attributes (like gentleness or faith). Often two names are combined for a special meaning, to designate a specfic flower,
for example.
Here are a number of examples of Vietnamese girls names and their meanings.
Vietnamese Girls Names Representing the Four Feminine Attributes
Co^ng: skillful, on career; good industry
Dung: beauty; nice appearance
Ha.nh: nice behaving; good conduct
Ngo^n: good, soft & nice communication; polite communication
Vietnamese Girls Names Representing the 4 Sacred Mythical Creatures
Ly: Lion
Phuong: Phoenix
Qui: Turtle
Long: Dragon
List of Vietnamese Girls Names and Meanings
Ai': beloved, gentle
An: peace
Anh: intellectual brightness
A'nh: light ray
Be': baby
Bê: doll
Bian: secretive (not commonly used)
Bi'ch: jade
Bi`nh: peace
Cam: orange, mountain sunset (?)
Ca,nh: scenery
Cha^u: pearls, precious stones (also a boys name)
Chi: tree branch, twig
Da`o: peach blossom; a Tet flower
Diê.p: leaves
Die^.p(with - at the middle of D): type of trees that have red flowers
Di.u: tender, gentle, mellow
Do`an Vie^n: happy reunion
Dông: winter
Giang : river (pronounced "yaahng" in the south or "zaahng" in the north)
Ha`: river
Ha`i: old name for "shoe" or "fairy shoe"
Han: faithful, moral. (see Hanh)
Ha`ng: angel in the full moon
Ha.nh Phu'c: blessing from above, as in good family; also happiness
Hiê`n: gentle, nice, quiet (can be both girl and boy name, more common for girl)
Hoa: a type of flower (pronounced HWA)
ô`ng: rose, pink.
Hô`ng Yen: pink swallow bird
Hong Hanh: pink apricot blossom
Hu.ê: lily flower; intelligence; mental brilliance; enlightenment
Hung: pink rose
(1) without accent means flagrance, perfume
(2) with a little bar `, means rose flower or pink color
(3) a little question mark accent above the O, means enjoy
Huyê`n: having a reflective black color
Hy`unh: yellow
Kê`t Nie^n: year of unity
Khanh: Precious stone
Kiê`u: graceful or beloved; a literature heroine (see 'A Tale of Kieu' by Nguyen Du, translated to English by Huynh Sanh Thong)
Kim: gold, golden
Kim Cu`c: yellow chrysanthemum
Kim-Ly: Golden Lion
Lam: jungle or dense forest (of Chinese origin, a take from Lim and Lum)
Lan: orchid
Lang: sweet potato
La`nh: gentle
Lê: pear
Lê. : tears; shy/shyness
Liê ~ u: willow
Liên: lotus
Linh: gentle spirit
Loan: lucky bird in Chinese myth. Also wife.
Mai: cherry blossom
My~: pretty
Nam Ha`: South River
Ngoc: jade, precious stone
Ngo.c Bich: sapphire jade
Ngu: (no accent) stupid
Ngu? : to sleep
Ngu+ : fishermen
Ngu~ : the fifth number (Chinese based word)
Ngu+~ : written language
Nguyêt: moon
Nhu: gentle, peaceful
Nhung: velvet
Nu~ : girl
Phuong: orientation (geometry) phoenix
Qu 'y: precious (also a boys name)
Quyêe^ n: a kind of bird
Sang: looking or behaving like people of upper classes (also a boys name)
Suong: fog
Ta^m: heart
Ta^n: new, chastity
Tha'm: discreet grace
Thanh: bright, sunny, light or "ear pleasing" sound or delicate, thing of high value. Has many meanings, such as blue (sky), slender and elegant looking ( ex: The way you dress looks "thanh thanh", or the way you dress looks "thanh nha").
Thanh Ha: Teal River
Tha?o: grass(botanical);or kind, sweet, nice
Thi: poem
Thi : common middle name for girls
Thien : heavenly
Thom: sweet smelling; also possibly means pineapple (?)
Thu: autumn, poem
Thuy: friendly, gentle
Thuy: (even tone) pussy willow (there several Thuys with different meanings, depending on the tone)
Thu?y: water
Tiên: fairy, spirit, or angel
Trinh: virginal girl
Truc: wish
Tuyen: angel
Tuyê'n: line, ray
Tuyet: snow white
Uoc: wishes
Vân: cloud
Viê.t: for Vietnam
Viê't: to write
Xuân: spring
Yê'n: a swallow (bird)
Yên: peace, safe, stand still